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Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2018

Interview with a vampire

When I first read the book of The Interview with a Vampire I was very interested in the main character ouis de Pointe du Lac. In the beginning, we see how Louis lives in Louisiana, and was the owner of a plantation with his mother and brother. Later we can see how Louis moved to New Orleans, from the tragic death of his brother. Louis wanted to die, but then found a certain person named Lestat who offered him a life forever. Louis accepted the proposal and began the Conversion to a vampire, Louis was full of guilt, for the death of his brother. That makes me think how the guilt can lead to impulsive decisions that you can regret later.   Anne Rice creates an unconventional famiy of 2 men and a daughter called Claudia . She is an little eternal girl, of five years that will be a witness that immortality is not for everyone, because it is complex and above all painful. It is a woman trapped in the body of a girl. It makes me think about the possibility of living infinitely b

The Monster

Victor Frankenstein, who was born in Geneva, had a brilliant mind, full of friends and family. He even knew who his future wife would be, Elizabeth, who had been adopted by his parents. Frankenstein was always interested in books about science, animals, and resurrection. One day, h e created a monster from different parts of corpses, to which he  granted  life during an experiment. Nameless, the monster was almost two meters tall, he has strange skin color and pieces of body parts stitched together.  Eventually, Frankenstein, became a sick-minded person without humanity. However, his monster is a sensitive and emotional intellect but is not accepted by people. This causes the creature to hate the creator who is Frankenstein. Frankenstein is a selfish person obsessed with being God who tries to create a perfect human. The novel makes us think of loneliness, discrimination by the physical appearance of people, immortality, wisdom, egotism, the search for friendship, and even the lim